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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Something to Sign

A few years ago I had the opportunity to shake nearly every hand in my school's 2007 graduating class, just before they walked across the stage to receive their diplomas.  I love that position.  I'm the guy who tells them to watch their step and to not trip or puke on the principal, as they - many for the first time - get a chance to be the center of attention for one brief moment in time, in front of thousands of people.

I try to say something to each kid, shake hands, and occasionally give a hug to those kids I've come to know the best and know I will miss the most.

As the kids slowly moved past me, I noticed one of my campaigner guys inching his way closer. When he reached me, I threw my arm around his shoulder and told him I was going to miss him. That's when he told me he had decided to stay in town and go to our local university. Last thing I knew he was headed out of state, so I was pleasantly surprised and mentioned that I'd like to talk to him soon about getting into our new leader training.

The ceremony ended and I headed for the doors with the rest of our faculty. As I walked down the street back to my car, I ran into this kid again. I told him how excited I was he was going to be in town, and that I really wanted him to get involved in our new leader training in September.

Then, I saw an uncomfortable look come to his face and he said, "Uh, I don't know. I don't think I want to do that. Don't you have to sign something?"

"Sign something?" I said.  I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Yeah.  Don't you have to sign something that says you're not going to drink?"

"Are you serious?" I said.  I couldn't believe it.  Here he is walking away from his high school graduation, his Young Life leader is giving him an opportunity to stay involved and help others, and all he can think about is having to sign something that says he's not going to drink.  How sad!

Wow, I thought.  I respected him for being honest.  The more I thought about it, I thought he was just articulating something that some of our young leaders might think.  But, my gosh.

Part of me felt like such a failure.  Had I not been an example of what it's like to live an exciting life with Christ?  What would make this kid feel the need to, not even give in to temptation, but "plan ahead" to give in to temptation?  It just struck me as so sad.

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